Faridabad Cave Paintings

  • A prehistoric Stone Age site, possibly over a million years old, has been found in the Mangarbani hill forest in Haryana’s Faridabad. Initial exploration by the state archaeological department suggests that this may be one of the largest Palaeolithic sites in the Indian sub-continent, where stone age tools were recovered from different open-air sites as well as from rock shelters.
  • Though tools from the Palaeolithic Age have been identified earlier in parts of the Aravallis, it is for the first time that cave paintings and rock art of a large magnitude have been found in Haryana. The total area is approximately 4,800 hectares.
  • Mangar Bani hill forests in Faridabad, Haryana will be given state protection under the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1964. Haryana also aims to convert the site into a Pre-historic eco-forest.