BRO Recruitment 2024 466 Driver Posts – Driver Mechanical Transport (OG)

BRO Recruitment 2024 466 Driver Posts – Driver Mechanical Transport (OG)

BRO invites applications for recruitment of 466 Draughtsman, Supervisor (Administration), Turner, Machinist, Driver Mechanical Transport (Ordinary Grade), Driver Road Roller (Ordinary Grade), Operator Excavating Machinery (Ordinary Grade) Posts. The applicants are requested to Download Application Form through Official Website @ The last date for the receipt of application along with enclosures is 30.12.2024. Before applying for the recruitment, candidates must carefully read the BRO 2024 notification and ensure their eligibility.

BRO Recruitment 2024 [Quick Summary]

Organization Name: Border Roads Organisation (BRO)
Notification No: 01/2024 
Job Category: Central Govt Jobs 
Employment Type: Regular Basis
Total No of Vacancies: 466 Draughtsman, Supervisor (Administration), Turner, Machinist, Driver Mechanical Transport (OG), Driver Road Roller (OG), Operator Excavating Machinery (OG) Posts
Place of Posting: All Over India 
Starting Date:  16.11.2024
Last Date:  30.12.2024
Apply Mode: Offline    
Official Website:

Latest BRO Vacancy Details:

1. Draughtsman – 16 Posts
2. Supervisor (Administration) – 02 Posts
3. Turner – 10 Posts
4. Machinist – 01 Post
5. Driver Mechanical Transport (OG) – 417 Posts
6. Driver Road Roller (OG) – 02 Posts
7. Operator Excavating Machinery (OG) – 18 Posts

Eligibility Criteria:

Educational Qualification:

Only Male Candidates need to apply

1. Draughtsman –
(i) 12th Pass with Science Subjects from a recognised Board
(ii) Having 02 Years Certificate in Draughtsmanship or Architecture equivalent from a recognized Institute Or Possessing two years National Trade Certificate (NTC) for Draughtsman (Civil) from a recognized Institute and having Minimum 01 year practical experience in the trade.
2. Supervisor (Administration) –
(i)Any Degree or equivalent
(ii) Possessing National Cadet Core ‘B` Certificate or Ex-Naib Subedar (GD) from the Army or equivalent from Navy or Air Force.
3. Turner – Must Possess Turner Certificate from ITC/ITI/NCTVT /Defence Trade Certificate with one year experience Or Passed Class II Course for Turner as laid down in Defence Service Regulations, Qualification Regulations for Soldiers from Centres or office of Records or similar establishment of Defence.
4. Machinist –
(i) Matriculation from a recognised Board or equivalent.
(ii) Having Machinist Certificate from ITI (Industrial Training Institute) or equivalent. Or Having Defence Trade Certificate from an Army Institute or similar establishment of Defence with one year experience as Machinist. Or Having passed Class II Course for Machinist/ Turners as laid down in Defence Service Regulations (Qualification Regulations for Soldiers) from Centres or office of Records or similar establishment of Defence.
5. Driver Mechanical Transport (OG) –
(i) Matriculation from a recognized Board or equivalent. and
(ii) Possessing a heavy Motor vehicle (HMV) driving license. or Having passed Class III Course for Driver Plant Mechanical Transport as laid down in Defence Service Regulations (Education Qualification Regulations for Soldiers) from Centres or office of Records or similar establishment of Defence.
6. Driver Road Roller (OG) –
(i) Matriculation from a recognized Board or equivalent and
(ii) Possessing a heavy Motor vehicle or Road Roller driving licence with experience of six months in Road Roller Driving or Having passed Class II Course for Driver Plant and Mechanical Transport as laid down in Defence Service Policy (Qualification Regulations for Soldiers) from Centres or office of Records or similar establishment of Defence.
7. Operator Excavating Machinery (OG) –
(i) Matriculation from a recognized Board or equivalent,
(ii) Possessing a heavy Motor vehicle driving licence; Or Driving License for Dozer/Excavator and six months experience in driving Excavator/ Dorzer, Or Having passed class II Course of Operator Excavating Machinery as laid down in Defence Service Regulations (Educational Qualification Regulations for Soldiers) from office of Records or Centres or similar establishment of Defence.

Age Limit: (As on 30.12.2024)

1. Draughtsman – 18 to 27 Years
2. Supervisor (Administration) – 18 to 27 Years
3. Turner – 18 to 25 Years
4. Machinist – 18 to 27 Years
5. Driver Mechanical Transport (Ordinary Grade (OG)) – 18 to 27 Years
6. Driver Road Roller (Ordinary Grade (OG)) – 18 to 27 Years
7. Operator Excavating Machinery (Ordinary Grade (OG)) – 18 to 27 Years

Relaxation of Upper age limit:

For SC/ ST Candidates: 5 years
For OBC Candidates: 3 years
For PwBD (Gen/ EWS) Candidates: 10 years
For PwBD (SC/ ST) Candidates: 15 years
For PwBD (OBC) Candidates: 13 years
For Ex-Servicemen Candidates: As per Govt. Policy

Salary Details:

1. Draughtsman – Level 5 Rs.29200 – 92300/-
2. Supervisor (Administration) – Level 4 Rs.25500 – 81100/-
3. Turner – Level 2 Rs.19900 – 63200/-
4. Machinist – Level 2 Rs.19900 – 63200/-
5. Driver Mechanical Transport (Ordinary Grade (OG)) – Level 2 Rs.19900 – 63200/-
6. Driver Road Roller (Ordinary Grade (OG)) – Level 2 Rs.19900 – 63200/-
7. Operator Excavating Machinery (Ordinary Grade (OG)) – Level 2 Rs.19900 – 63200/-

Selection Process:

1. Written Exam
2. Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Practical Test (Trade Test) and Primary Medical Examination (PME)

Application Fee: 

For ST/SC/PWD Candidates  – Nil
For Other Candidates  – Rs.50/-
Payment Mode: Online

How to Apply: 

(a) Application will be filled up in only English/Hindi.

(b) Candidate should affix latest photograph, taken not more than 01 (One) month from date of advertisement, in application form and Admit Card The candidate should be in possession of adequate number (Minimum Eight) of same photographs with him

(c) All applications quoting this Notification number and post applied for should be submitted so as to reach to Commandant GREF Centre, Dighi camp, Pune- 411 015.

Important Dates: 

Starting Date for Submission of Application: 16.11.2024
Last date for Submission of Application: 30.12.2024